50% Einkorn Double Fed Levain Bread

This bread with a golden brown crumb has a subtle floral and nutty flavour from the wholegrain einkorn. However, the bread was lacking in sweetness and could be a little more moist. For future bakes, with a high proportion of wholegrain like this, I would probably do a longer autolysis for the starches in theContinue reading “50% Einkorn Double Fed Levain Bread”

Vetri’s Pane di Genzano

Built with a wholegrain rye starter (at 100% hydration) and with another 10% rye, this sourdough bread based on an Italian bread has a mix of flavours and is on the sour side. This version of Pane Di Genzano (a geographically protected bread) is from Vetri and McWilliams’ book Mastering Bread. This bread reminds meContinue reading “Vetri’s Pane di Genzano”


This dense and seed filled Danish bread is chewy and sour – a thin slice is a good base for a hearty open sandwich. For this version of rugbrød (previously attempted here), I attempted a recipe by Chad Robertson, from the book The Bread Exchange by Malin Elmid. This bread uses a mix of ryeContinue reading “Rugbrød”

White Sourdough Bread

This bread had a blistered crust and a soft and uneven crumb. Great flavour with a mild sourness. For this bake, I slightly modified Elaine Boddy’s master recipe to accommodate for warmer temperatures, I halved the amount of starter and put the dough in the fridge for an hour, cooling it from 28 deg celsiusContinue reading “White Sourdough Bread”

50% Kamut Bread – an attempt

For my first attempt with kamut flour, I decided to follow the recipe from Sourdough by Casper André Lugg and Martin Ivar Hveem Fjeld. Kamut flour needs more water, so I used a higher hydration than I’m used to but stuck to the lower end of the hydration range suggested, i.e. ~82%. The crumb hasContinue reading “50% Kamut Bread – an attempt”

Austrian Country Boule

A flavourful boule with caraway and fennel, from Stanley Ginsberg’s The Rye Baker, this bread has a soft and tight crumb with a chewy crust. The softness and flavour also comes from the stale rye bread soaker. While the dough wasn’t as notoriously sticky and unmanageable as some other rye doughs I overmixed, this doughContinue reading “Austrian Country Boule”

Blue Cheese & Walnut Pain au Levain

Here’s another of my breads with blue cheese and toasted walnuts as additions (See here for a similar bread with different schedule and here for a soft sandwich style bread). For this bake, I’ve used Pain au Levain (Hamelman) as the base recipe, but used slightly increased proportions of cheese and walnuts compared to the earlierContinue reading “Blue Cheese & Walnut Pain au Levain”

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