Beer Barley Loaf

Another loaf in the Pain a l’ancienne style, but with cooked barley and beer. The beer and honey-molasses mix added a really lovely malty and even light citrus like flavour. Thankfully, this round of bread with beer still had a good gluten structure – perhaps for previous breads the warm rise at the room temperaturesContinue reading “Beer Barley Loaf”

Rye Porridge Bread with Malt

Another bread in the style of Peter Reinhart’s Pain a L’ancienne – cold risen yeast bread. I like this style for its flexibility in terms of timing, as well as how easy it is to adapt. This is my first try adding porridge to this recipe, and quite a bit of porridge. The bread hasContinue reading “Rye Porridge Bread with Malt”

T65 Pain a l’Ancienne Levain

For my second attempt at T65 (see T65 Pain Au Levain for my first try), I decided to follow the cold-rise method to allow the dough to bulk ferment to a long time. I used Peter Reinhardt’s Pain a l’ancienne method, but with sourdough, as in the recipe on I reduced the water content toContinue reading “T65 Pain a l’Ancienne Levain”

Pain a L’ancienne Revisited

My second bake of Pain a l’ancienne from Peter Reinhart’s book Artisan Breads Every Day. This cold-risen white dough with 80% hydration is easy to handle, full of air pockets and should be great as a ciabatta style bread. This bread is lovely toasted and dipped in olive oil – for future bakes I mightContinue reading “Pain a L’ancienne Revisited”

Cold-Risen Wheat and Oat Bread

Another cold-risen loaf adapted from Trine Hahnemann’s book Scandinavian Baking, for others see Cold-Risen Emmer and Wheat Bread and Cold-Risen Spelt and Wheat Bread. As with the other two, I’ve adapted the recipe quite a bit – changing the starter/levain mix and also using instant yeast. This recipe is suitable for a work schedule – mix theContinue reading “Cold-Risen Wheat and Oat Bread”

Cold-Risen Spelt and Wheat Bread

For my first time using spelt flour, I’ve decided to follow (mostly) a recipe from Scandinavian Baking by Trine Hahnemann. The loaf has a rather fragrant nutty smell and a light brown colour, with little flecks in it – I love the flavour! The crumb was nice and open at the sides, a little tighterContinue reading “Cold-Risen Spelt and Wheat Bread”

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